Have you ever:

  • Struggled to make a decision around how to use your resources – time or money? 
  • Disagreed with a partner or family member about how to move forward with an important decision?
  • Worked with a client who had difficulty making a critical decision? 
  • Led a team that had trouble getting aligned on the project goal or mission? 

What if there was a simple game you could play that would radically transform your ability to make decisions when they really matter?

Introducing the Deck of Values!  

At Created Wealth Advisory we’ve observed that when people focus their resources on things that they say are important to them (their chosen values) they experience more satisfaction, fulfillment and peace in their lives and financial decisions.

For example:

Linda has spent her whole life dying to go to India, but there always seem to be other obligations. When she identified “adventure” as a deeply-held core value and desire of hers, she was able to intentionally dedicate resources in order to bring her vision to life.  

Or consider a family foundation. A father and son who struggled to align on goals both chose “freedom” as one of their top values, which provided a conversational starting point for future family decisions.

Conversely, when people’s financial decisions are driven by the “shoulds” weighing them down, they feel a sense of dissatisfaction that they can’t quite put their finger on.

When you align your resources with your values it creates a stronger sense of purpose, meaning, integrity, and satisfaction with your money, and with your life. 

That’s why we created the Deck of Values to gamify the process so that you can have this transformative experience of clarifying your values.

Perfect for: 

  • Individuals who want to align their resources with their values.
  • Foundations or family enterprises seeking a tool to engage both current and next-generation members in meaningful discussions about wealth and values.
  • Team leaders working on a critical project where alignment is key.
  • Trusted advisors and professionals committed to assisting families in shaping their futures with aligned values and goals.

deck of 54 values
ideas for solo and group uses